The Wilson Police Department hosts an annual Youth Academy that is generally held during late June and early July. The academy introduces youth to functions of the Wilson Police Department through various methods. Experienced officers may come in and give a presentation concerning search and seizure or how our canine unit operates. Other days the participants are introduced to hands-on applications of tasks such as dusting and lifting fingerprints, casting shoe impressions, or participating in civil unrest training. They also learn about the community policing philosophy of the Wilson Police Department.
The materials that the youth learn in the academy are applicable in their real life situations such as the use of team work to accomplish certain goals. The importance of community involvement is also stressed in an effort to better prepare them for future involvement in society. Many youth will attend this academy to determine if law enforcement is something they might consider as a career, but it is designed for anyone with an interest in law enforcement.
Contact Sgt. S. Haste for details & registration information: or 252-399-2342
Visit Calendar for dates, times & location.